Horst Kind GmbH
Langobardenstr. 83
42277 Wuppertal
Telefon: +49 202 266420
Telefax: +49 202 2664224
E-Mail: info@horst-kind-gmbh.com
DE 811162252
Legal Authority
Amtsgericht Wuppertal
HRB 4610
All rights reserved. The content of this page is for your personal information only. Any dissemination or use is not permitted unless expressly approved by Horst Kind GmbH. A reprint, incorporation in online services or Internet or reproduction on data media, e.g. CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, etc., requires the prior written consent of Horst Kind GmbH.
We expressly disclaim all liability for all contents of all linked websites at www.horst-kind-gmbh.com and such contents are not under our control and do not constitute an express or implied endorsement or approval on our part.
We are pleased about your visit at this website and your interest in our products. You might be asked to provide personal information when filling out the contact formular. The reply to such questions is voluntary. All your personal data collected at this website will be stored and processed only for the purpose of providing a personal service to you, sending product information or submitting service offers to you. We assure you that your data will be treated as strictly confidential in compliance with the applicable data protection provisions.
All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as the arrangement of the same on this website are protected by copyright and other industrial property rights. The content of these websites may not be copied, disseminated, altered or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. This website may also contain pictures or images subject to third-party copyrights.
No Warranty
This website was compiled with utmost care. Our company cannot however warrant the faultlessness and accuracy of the information provided. We exclude all liability for damage resulting directly or indirectly from the use of this website, except in the case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence on our part.
Privacy statement
Horst Kind GmbH thanks you for your visit to our website and your interest in our company and our products. The protection of your privacy when processing your personal data is very important to us. We process personal data that is collected when you visit our website in accordance with the provisions of the law as it relates to data privacy. Please note that our web pages may contain links to the websites of other providers for which this privacy statement does not apply.
Collecting and processing personal data
When you visit our website, our web servers routinely store the name of your Internet Service Provider, your IP address, your browser, the website from which you reached our website, pages of our
site you visit, and the date and length of your visit as standard. Beyond this, personal data is only stored if you actively provide such information, for example as part of a registration, survey or
tendering procedure, or to request a brochure, submit an inquiry or execute a contract.
Use and transmittal of personal data and limitation to purpose
Horst Kind GmbH uses your personal data for purposes of technical administration of the web pages, for customer management, product surveys and for marketing strictly to the extent necessary for
these purposes. Personal data is transmitted to state agencies and authorities only within the terms of mandatory national regulations.
Use of data for marketing activities
We would like to use your data to enable us to keep you informed about our products and services, and possibly to ask your opinion about them as well. Of course, your participation in such activities
is entirely voluntary. lf you do not consent to this, please let us know so that we can block the pertinent data correspondingly.
Right to information
Upon request, Horst Kind GmbH will inform you in writing and as promptly as possible within the terms of the applicable law whether and what data regarding you personally has been stored by us. If
incorrect information has been stored despite our efforts to ensure that such data is accurate and current, we will correct it in accordance with your instructions.